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Creative New Zealand
Information Technology
Why New Zealand?
Within a relatively short time, New Zealand has developed a sophisticated, unrestrictive business environment that competes aggressively in world markets. It joins our predominantly agriculture-based economy which continues to deliver the bulk of our export earnings.
Work environment and finding a job
One of the things you’ll immediately be struck with is the flexible way we carry out our jobs. We don’t stand on ceremony, very rarely do we refer to people by their title, we dress a whole lot more informally than you’re probably used to and we regularly mix socially with our work colleagues.
Owning a business
The exciting thing about small businesses in New Zealand is that they don’t act as if they’re small, and they regularly introduce big ideas.
Business case studies
Here we showcase just four examples of successful New Zealand businesses that began with very little cash and not much more than a dream and have now carved out national and international niches.
Frequently asked questions
Will my qualifications be accepted? How do I find a job? What are the working conditions like in New Zealand? These commonly asked questions and some tips on budgeting and CV development are covered here.